Gregor Kuschmirz

Video recording, shot at Studio 'Rauch und Spiegel' | Ravensburg | 2024

Cutlery Rain Maker

The kinetic sound installation deals with cultivated celebrations and interpersonal tensions, with order and chaos. At the centre is a festively laid table. Hundred magnets move slowly up and down over it. Again and again, they pick up cutlery and drop it, causing plates and glasses to clink and break musically. The work was presented for the first time in Museum Humpis Quartier during 'Ravensburger Kunstnacht 2024'.

Motorisierte kinetische Installation aus Holz, Magneten, Besteck, Porzellan und Schnüren | Ravensburg | 2024

Location based identities
Opening installation

Kinetic installation | Stuttgart | 2007

Location based identities

Interactive Installation | Ravensburg/Lessac | 2020


Concept for a kinetic sound installation | Cologne | 2019

Shoot the messenger