Gregor Kuschmirz

video documentation of the set-up at 'Schloss Abtsgmünd' | Untergröningen | 2021

video documentation of the first arrangements | Domaine de Boisbuchet | 2020

Power cables wind themselves up and unwind rhythmically accordingly to the audience ́s movement, thus evoking an impression of animate creatures.

interactive installation, initially in collaboration with Rafael Grompone | Ravensburg/Lessac | 2020

Location based identities
Peep Show

interactive installation in collaboration with Markus Lauterbach | Domaine de Boisbuchet | 2021

Location based identities

sitespecific pieces | Cologne/Kassel | 2017/2018

Location based identities

concept for an interactive, kinetic installation | Cologne | 2019

Shoot the messenger