The Other Cheek at Stuttgarter Filmwinter | 2019
documentationof The Other Cheek, 'Stuttgarter Filmwinter', 2019 2017
The Other Cheek
The other cheek is a kinetic soundinstallation about hurt and retiliation. Sound and physical display of force and counterforce alternate in it´s tale of a nearly endless boxing match: Two loudspeakers circulate in opposite directions in a room. They regularly collide with each other in middle. The loudspeakers alternately respond to the impact by emitting a whining sound. Each time the howling turns into an aggressive scream, which is only stopped by the following collision.
kinetic sound installation, mixed media | Cologne | 2015/2017
Shoot the messenger
The Ambassador
responsive light installation – concept | Stuttgart | 2007
The Shy Camera
interactive installation | Stuttgart, Madrid | 2007, 2013
But first
video clip, 5min. | Cologne | 2013
Rare Window